December 09, 2018
Season’s Greetings!
The holiday season is my favorite time of year. It started when I was a child growing up with my grandparents. Yes, anticipating Santa was part of it, but there was sooo much more. There was the magic!
Hearts were lighter. Everything seemed to sparkle and glow. The music made you smile and want to sing along, or at least hum. And Oh!, the fragrant air!
It began with the freshly cut tree, then the smell of hot chocolate, cinnamon, baking cookies of all kinds blended together for such an intoxicating mix. There were those wondrous snowflakes in the air, and hand-cut ones on the windows.
The most magical part was just how much people were focused on thinking of and doing things for others — working with a love-filled heart to bring delight and joy to others was what it was all about.
I loved every single moment and how it made me feel. I am so thankful to my grandparents for making it so, and I miss them even more at the holidays.
These days, I fiercely hang on to pushing the ways of the world aside at the holidays to make plenty of room for that spirit and the magic.
I find myself wishing for that holiday magic all year. One of my favorite movies is "Auntie Mame", and I love the song, “We Need A Little Christmas”, which is at hand 356 days a year on a favorites playlist .
Another year-round favorite— especially because of the words (see below) — is “Christmastime is Here” , and I use it daily as a notification tone on my phone.
So, all of us elves at Pretty Things & Cool Stuff have been very busy finding discoveries made by people who make things with love to bring joy to others.
We have discoveries from artists, artisans, authors, publishers — indie, arthouse and traditional, businesses small and not so small.
We are working with amazing nonprofits and companies who should be applauded loudly for becoming certified B Corps. We have goods from throughout the United States and from throughout the world.
And of course, we are always working to bring you thoughtfully and conscientiously curated goods that are good for People + Planet that, in addition to bringing delight and joy, also will enlighten, engage, empower and enhance your life and those of others.
We know that there are many wonderful ways to celebrate the season, and we wish all much love, joy and of course, magic!
(I've highlighted some lyrics that convey the magic year round)