February 12, 2015
It really does take a village.
Whether it is in our everyday lives — take the time to think about what your life would be like if others didn't do their jobs, and do them well. Really. Think about every, single thing that someone else does that touches and impacts your life. Or at work.
And especially so when individuals work to craft and grow independent, good, socially responsible businesses.
I got this in the mail a couple of days ago from the good ladies at Bee's Wrap. And, I was really touched! How thoughtful and kind!
It's really been the only Thank You I have received from any of the partners I work with to bring you discoveries that we hope will delight other than the words printed on invoices or in emails after I've placed an order.
I love what Bee's Wrap is and what it is about. (Check out its story and our selection in our PEOPLE + PLANET = ONE Collection.) And, I am very happy to partner with them as we both work to bring you items that are good investments — on a daily basis — in you, others and of our course, Our Planet.
So to the innovative, energetic and caring ladies at Bee's Wrap, Thank YOU for being YOU!
I also want to say the same thing to Julie Thibodeaux and all of the folks at Green Source DFW. You can always count on Julie to pull together a very thoughtful roundup of sustainability oriented gifts for all occasions, and we were very excited when she included Pretty Things & Cool Stuff and featured two styles of cards — retro ones and handprinted cards from artist Katharine Watson's hand-carved original designs — in her article about Valentine's Day gifts!
Our heartfelt thanks, Julie!
And, I also must give a big Thank You! to Dave Mullen, editor of the Katy Trail Weekly here in Dallas. He called me a couple of weeks ago, told me that he really liked my concept/vision and what I am working to accomplish, and said he would like to do a story!
Well, here's the front page result: (just use the scroll bar to the right of the paper and scroll down below the Cafe Momentum story, and you will find us!!!)
It really means a lot when someone on the outside recognizes what you are doing and what you are trying to do, and they want to tell others about it!
Thank you so much, Dave, for seeing, caring and sharing!
Gosh, what a village!